THE LONG GAME: Who will solve the climate crisis?

As the world struggles to come together to address climate change and deal with extreme weather, voters and consumers around the world are looking for leadership. Expectations and attitudes vary across countries, political parties, and demographic groups. Some national leaders are lagging behind their voters’ expectations while others race ahead of their citizens. Across the world, voters and consumers are reassessing who in the public and private sector has the power - and the responsibility - to solve our greatest sustainability challenges.

Join POLITICO on Thursday, Feb. 10th at 12:45 PM ET for back-to-back conversations on climate and sustainability action.

The event will kick off with a panel led by Global Insider author Ryan Heath discussing fresh insights from POLITICO/Morning Consult Global Sustainability Poll that surveyed citizens in 13 countries, on five continents about what their governments should do to respond to climate change.

The panel will be followed by Gina McCarthy, White House National Climate Advisor in conversation with Laura Barrón-López, White House correspondent.