Tipping Points: Confronting Multiple Global Crises

A number of overlapping crises such as climate change, conflict, public health emergencies, and a gloomy global economic outlook are coming to a head this year. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, rising food prices and worsening climate change are deepening inequality, exacerbating food shortages, and increasing the number of refugees and forced migration all while fears of stagflation intensify. Amid this social and economic upheaval, what can the US and world leaders do to alleviate these compounding crises and implement long-term solutions that also benefit emerging and developing countries?

Join POLITICO on Friday, September 23 at 10:30 AM ET for a virtual conversation with Global Insider author Ryan Heath featuring World Bank President David Malpass to explore what it will take to restore some global stability and avoid the worst of a possible global recession.

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Featured Speakers

David R. Malpass

President, World Bank Group

Ryan Heath

Editorial Director, Global Growth, and Global Insider Author, POLITICO