Women Rule: Ending Sexual Assault in the Military

The 2020 killing of 20-year-old Army soldier Vanessa Guillen, who had told family she was being sexually harassed by several soldiers prior to her disappearance in Fort Hood, galvanized calls to change how the military deals with sexual assault and harassment.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), a veteran and a sexual assault survivor, have long pushed Congress to act on the issue. Now, they have proposed bipartisan legislation to overhaul military sexual assault policies, including removing the decision to prosecute major crimes, such as sexual assault, from military commanders. Their efforts are gaining momentum, but still face opposition from several lawmakers.

Thank you for joining POLITICO Playbook author Rachael Bade for a Women Rule virtual joint interview with Sen. Ernst and Sen. Gillibrand discussing the state of their proposed legislation and what it will take to end sexual assault and sexual harassment in the military.

Featured Speakers:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand


Sen. Joni Ernst